The Half-Life 2 code theft saga entered a new chapter today when Valve Software announced that a series of arrests had been made in the case. According to Valve, suspects in several countries had been taken into custody in relation to charges stemming from the theft of the Half-Life 2 code, the distribution of the code, and the break-in into Valve's network.

오늘 발브는 지난번 발생한 하프라이프2 소스유출사건에 관해 여러명이 체보되었다고 발표 했습니다. 발브에 의하면 발브의 네트워크에 침입해 하프라이프2 코드를 훔치고 배포한죄로 여러국가에서 범인들이 잡혔다고 합니다

"It was extraordinary to watch how quickly and how cleverly gamers were able to unravel what are traditionally unsolvable problems for law enforcement related to this kind of cyber-crime," he said in a statement. "Everyone here at Valve is once again reminded of how much we owe to the gaming community."

CEO Gabe Newell는 이번 체포를 게이머들의 성과로 돌리고 있습니다. 그는 성명에서 "전통적으로 수사관들도 풀기 힘든 사이버 범죄를 이렇게 신속하고 재치있게 풀은 게이머들이 놀랍다" 라고 하였으며 "발브의 모든 직원들은 다시한번 게이밍 커뮤니티에 큰빚을 느낀다" 라고 덧붙였습니다

However, while Valve announced the arrests today, it was unclear when they actually occurred. Valve's statement on the matter--e-mailed to the press today--quoted Newell as saying, "Within a few days of the announcement of the break-in, the online gaming community had tracked down those involved."

발브가 오늘 체포를 발표하였으나 이게 정확히 언제 이루어졌는지는 아직도 밝혀지지않았습니다. 오늘 발브는 이소식을 이메일로 보냈으며 편지에서 Newell은 "몇일안에 온라인 게이밍 커뮤니티가 범인들을 추적한 칩입사건에대한 발표가 있을것이다" 라고 쓰여있었다고 합니다

The FBI's Northwest Cyber Crime Task Force, the law-enforcement agency overseeing the code theft investigation, also divulged little information. When asked by GameSpot if it had made any arrests, the media contact at the task force's Seattle, Washington, headquarters said simply, "We did." However, when pressed for more information on the case--such as how many people in the US were arrested, where were they apprehended--the agent declined to say anything other than that arrests had been made. "Beyond that we cannot comment," he said.

이사건을 담당하고 있는 FBI의 Northwest Cyber Crime Task Force도 입을 굳게 다물었다고 합니다. 게임스팟의 체포관련질문에 단순히 "(체포가) 있었다" 라고만 하였다고 합니다. 좀더 자세한 질문 - 미국내 체포는 몇건이고 어디서였나 같은 질문에는 더이상 답변을 거부했습니다. 수사관은 간단히 "그이상은 말할수 없다" 라고 하였다고 합니다

News of the Half-Life 2 arrests comes after months of rumors about law-enforcement activity on the case. In January, a number of computer experts in the San Francisco area reported having their hardware seized by FBI agents on the grounds that they were involved in the theft. Several weeks ago, unconfirmed reports from Germany said the author of the Phatbot Trojan worm was also involved in the theft. In both instances, neither Valve nor the authorities offered any comment.

이 체포소식은 몇달전 알려진 수사소식후에 발표된것입니다. 지난 1월 샌프란시코의 컴퓨터 전문가들이 하드웨어를 FBI에게 압수당한적이 있었습니다. 몇주전에 독일에서 날라온 소식에 의하면 Phatbot Trojan 웜이 이사건에 연류되었다는 소식도 있었습니다만 두사건에대해서는 수사대나 발브 둘다 입을 다물고 있습니다