NCSoft Steals Blizzard's Staff
NCSoft has reportedly stolen the World of Warcraft expansion pack team.

Turlough NCSoft recently opened a studio in Irvine very close to Blizzard’s offices apparently for the sole purpose of luring staff away from Blizzard, specifically the team working on the World of Warcraft expansion pack.

There are now forty-two open positions at Blizzard’s North American office ranging from lead 3D character animators to database administrators and senior server programmers.

These job openings could merely be due to the phenomenal success of World of Warcraft although this is unlikely due to the large number of senior and lead positions open.

mmhell이라는 곳에서, nc 소프트가 블리자드 본사 근처에 지사를 세우고 확장팩의 인원을 빼간다는 소리가 있는데, 사실인지 궁금하네요 ㅇㅅㅇ;;

한가지 의문시 되는것은 이미 nc 소프트의 미국 지사가 있는것으로 알고 있습니다만, 문제는 그 위치를 모른다는...OTL