작년 넥스트 제너레이션에 실렸던 50 Books For Everyone In the Game Industry (By Ernest Adams)의 리스트입니다.

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그 밖에 추천하는 도서 역시 덧글로 달아주시면 ㄳㄳㄳ. 제가 기억력이 별로라 잘 까먹어요.;;

Trigger Happy: The Inner Life of Videogames, by Steven Poole
(몰입의 즐거움) Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi
Rules of Play, by Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman
Half-Real: Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds, by Jesper Juul
Unit Operations: An Approach to Videogame Criticism, by Ian Bogost

Fundamentals of Game Design, by Ernest Adams and Andrew Rollings
21st Century Game Design, by Chris Bateman and Richard Boon
Gender-Inclusive Game Design, by Sheri Graner Ray
(라프 코스터의 재미이론) A Theory of Fun for Game Design, by Raph Koster
Balance of Power: International Politics as the Ultimate Global Game, by Chris Crawford
Digital Game-Based Learning, by Marc Prensky

Game Writing: Narrative Skills for Videogames, edited by Chris Bateman

Creating the Art of the Game, by Matthew Omernick
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Visual Explanations and Envisioning Information, all by Edward Tufte
Pause and Effect: The Art of Interactive Narrative, by Mark Stephen Meadows

The Fat Man on Game Audio: Tasty Morsels of Sonic Goodness, by George Alastair 'The Fat Man' Sanger

(온라인 게임기획, 이렇게 한다) Developing Online Games: An Insider’s Guide, by Jessica Mulligan and Bridgette Petrovsky
Designing Virtual Worlds, by Richard Bartle
Community Building on the Web: Secret Strategies for Successful Online Communities, by Amy Jo Kim

The Oxford History of Board Games, by David Parlett
The Ultimate History of Video Games, by Steven L. Kent
Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age 1971 - 1984, by Van Burnham

Joystick Nation, by J.C. Herz
Killing Monsters: Why Children Need Fantasy, Super Heroes, and Make-Believe Violence, by Gerard Jones
What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy, by James Paul Gee
(바보상자의 역습) Everything Bad Is Good for You, by Steven Johnson
From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Gender and Computer Games, edited by Justine Cassell and Henry Jenkins
Pikachu's Global Adventure: The Rise and Fall of Pokémon, edited by Joseph Tobin

(맨먼스 미신) The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, by Frederick P. Brooks  운 좋게도 딱 번역이 됐군요.
(피플웨어) Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, 2nd edition by Tom Demarco and Timothy Lister
Postmortems from Game Developer, edited by Austin Grossman
Game Over, Press Start to Continue, by David Sheff, with new material by Andy Eddy
() Masters of Doom, by David Kushner
Smartbomb: The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution by Heather Chaplin and Aaron Ruby
The Xbox 360 Uncloaked by Dean Takahashi

(만화의 이해) Understanding Comics, by Scott McCloud
(시나리오 어떻게 쓸 것인가) Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting, by Robert McKee
A Pattern Language, by Christopher Alexander et al
The Design of Everyday Things, by Donald Norman

(호모 루덴스) Homo Ludens, by Johan Huizinga
Man, Play, and Games, by Roger Caillois
The Ambiguity of Play, by Brian Sutton-Smith
(미디어의 이해(민음사)), 미디어의 이해:인간의 확장(커뮤니케이션북스) Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, by Marshall McLuhan

(반지의 제왕) The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien
Dungeons & Dragons Player’s Handbook, by various authors
Star Trek, originated by Gene Roddenberry
The Hunt for Red October, by Tom Clancy
Watchmen, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
(천의 얼굴을 가진 영웅) The Hero with a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell
Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace, by Janet H. Murray

그 밖 (귀찮아서 링크는. ~_~)

인터넷 심리학
누가 소프트웨어의 심장을 만들었는가
앤드류 롤링스와 어인스트 아담스의 게임기획개론
실제로 쓰이는 게임기획 이렇게 한다
조엘 온 소프트웨어
이모셔널 디자인 (도널드 노먼)
보이지 않는 컴퓨터 (도널드 노먼)
생각있는 디자인 (도널드 노먼)
Swords & Circuitry(검과 회로)(RPG 기획을 위한 가이드 북)
지식의 최전선
거미줄에 걸린 웹
데이터 스모그
뉴미디어의 언어
디지털 스토리 텔링
소설의 미래