음...메인의 주석 된 부분을 제거하면 에러가 납니다......어떻게 해야 에러가 안날까요 ..ㅠ 에러의 내용은

nresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall List::List(void)" (??0List@@QAE@XZ)

이렇게 나오네요...

#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>

class Node
        int data;
        Node *next;
        Node *prev;
        Node (int val)
        {data = val; next = 0; prev = 0;}
        friend class List;

class List {
        Node *head;
        void insertList(int);
        void deleteList(int);
        void forwardList();
        void backwardList(); void searchList(int);
        void displayList(); int isEmpty();

void main(){
//        List l1;

        int List::isEmpty() { return (head == 0); }

        void List::insertList(int data)
                Node *temp = new Node(data);
                Node *p, *q;
                if (head == 0) // 첫노드일때
                        head = temp;
                else if (temp->data < head->data) { //head node 앞에 삽입
                        temp->next = head;
                        head->prev = temp;
                        head = temp;
                else { // 가운데 삽입
                        p = head;
                        q = head;
                        while ((p != 0) && (p->data < temp->data)) {
                                q = p;
                                p = p->next;
                        if (p != 0) {
                                temp->next = p;
                                temp->prev = q;
                                q->next = temp;
                                p->prev = temp;
                        else {
                                q->next = temp;
                                temp->prev = q;
        void List::deleteList(int key)
                Node *p, *q;
                if (head->data == key) { // 삭제될 노드가 head 일 경우
                        p = head;
                        head = head->next;
                        head->prev = 0;
                        delete p;
                else { // 가운데 노드가 삭제될 경우
                        q = head;
                        p = head;
                        while (p != 0 && p->data != key) {
                                q = p;
                                p = p->next;
                        if (p != 0) {
                                q->next = p->next;
                                if (p->next != 0)
                                        p->next->prev = q;
                                delete p;
                                // 마지막 노드일경우
                                cout << key << " is not in the listn";
        void List::forwardList()
                if (!isEmpty()) {
                        Node *p = head;
                        cout << "----- Forward List -----n";
                        while (p!= 0) {
                                cout << p->data << endl;
                                p = p->next;
                        cout << "List is empty!n";
        void List::backwardList()
                if (!isEmpty()) {
                        Node *p = head;
                        while (p->next != 0)
                                p = p->next;
                        cout << "----- Backward List -----n";
                        while (p!= 0) {
                                cout << p->data << endl;
                                p = p->prev;
                        cout << "List is empty!n";
        void List::searchList(int key)
                if (!isEmpty()) {
                        Node *p = head;
                        while (p != 0 && p->data != key)
                                p = p->next;
                        if (p != 0)
                                cout << p->data << " is in the listn";
                                cout << key << " is not int the listn";
                        cout << "List is empty!n";
                Node *p;
                while (head != 0) {
                        p = head;
                        head = head->next;
                        delete p;