랜덤챗으로 괜히 그들은 만나능게 아니라능..

The Internet is really really great - For porn
I've got a fast connection, so I don't have to wait - For porn (huh?)
There's always some new site - For porn
I browse all day and night- For porn
It's like I'm surfing at the speed of light- For porn (Trekkie)
- The Internet is for porn (Trekkie!)
- The Internet is for porn (What're you doing)
- Why you think the net was born?
- Porn, Porn, Porn!
- Oh hello Katemonster
You are ruining my song!
- Oh, me sorry, me no mean to
Well if you wouldn't mind, being quite please for a minute
So I can finish?
- Okidoki
I'm glad we have this new technology- For porn (uh!)
It gives us untold opportunity!- For porn (uh! sorry)
Search your own desktop (for, uh!)
Research browse and shop (ih?)
Until you've had enough and you're ready to stop
- FOR PORN! (Trekkie)
- The Internet is for porn (Nooo!)
- The Internet is for porn (Trekkie!)
- Me up all night, hugging me horn, to porn porn porn!
That's gross!
You're a pervert
- Ah! Sticks and stones Katemonster
No really, you're a pervert.
Normal people don't sit at home and look at porn on the Internet
- OHHH??!
- You have NO idea
- Ready normal people?!
(Ready!.. Ready!.. Ready!)
- Let me hear it!
- The Internet is for porn (gross)
- The Internet is for porn (I hate porn)
Grab your dick, and double click for porn, porn, porn
Porn (porn(porn(porn)))
Porn (porn(porn(porn)))
The Internet is for
Internet is for
Internet is for porn!