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일단 영문으로 된 책은 좀 힘들것 같고 아래의 내용이 모두 들어있는 책으로 부탁드립니다.

Matrix (I)
"1. What is Matrix
2. Add.Sub
3. Multiply
4. Attribute of Matrix operation
5. Square Matrix (Trace, Symmetric, Skew Sym...)
6. Identity Matrix
7. Inverse Matrix
8. Matrix Equation
Op. Gauss-jrdan Elimination"

Matrix (II)
"1. What is Deterniment?
2. Inverse of 2x2, 3x3 Matrix
3. Minor determinent
4. Cofactor of Matrix
5. Deterniment of Matrix
6. Attribute of Deterniment
7. Adjoint of Matrix
8. Inverse of Matrix"

"1. What is Vector?
2. Norm of vector
3. Vector Add & Sub
4. Attribute of Vector
5. Normalization & Unit Vector
6. Dot Product
7. Cross Product"

Vector Space
"1. Vector Space & Linear Combination
2. Basis & Dimension
3. Linear Dependent
Op. Group, Ring and Field"

Linear Transform (I)
"1. What is Transform?
2. Linear Transform
3. Rotation Transform
4. Scale Transform"

Linear Transform (II)
"1. View Transform
2. Projection Transform
3. Affain Transform"

"1. Rotation & Euler Angle
2. What is Quarternion
3. Operation of Quaterion
4. Matrix & Euler Angle & Quaternion"

Geometry (I) - Line & Sphere & Plane
"1. 3D Line
2. Sphere
3. Intersection Line with Sphere
4. Plane
5. Intersection with each other"

Geometry (II) - AABB & OBB
"1. What is AABB
2. Intersection AABB with 3D Line
3. Intersection AABB with Sphere
4. Intersection AABB with AABB
5. What is OBB
6. SAT(Separating Axis Theorem) Method"